A documentary about young Sikhs fighting in the British Army, showing the benefits of disciplined lifestyle. This documentary touches upon the history of Sikhs in the Army and also looks into the possible future of Sikhs in the Army. Produced by the Sangat Television, Directed by Jagjeet Singh.

Sikhs in the Army [Part I] [HD]
birmingham, british, british army, charity, documentary, education, forces, great britain, guru, india, Indian, inspirational, iraq, jagjeet, jagjeet singh, middle east, military, navy, news, Nishkam Centre, panjab, panjabi, politics, punjab, Punjabi, Sangat, Sangat Television, Sangat Trust, Sangat TV, Sikh, Sikhism, sikhs @ army, sikhs in the army, Singh, society, spirituality, united kingdom, war in Afghanistan