Support Us
Help Us Help You.
Financial Support
Like you we also feel passionate about our faith. We feel that all of humanity can benefit from the timeless legacy left by the Sikh Gurus and the eternal message of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
However, we are in a time where we face many challenges, the erosion of values, identity and tradition. We feel strongly about using broadcast technology and social media to help regenerate values for future generations. This is our shared responsibility, and we believe that we must face up to these challenges as ‘one’ cohesive community – Sangat.
Sangat TV humbly requests that you contribute and support the activities of Sangat Trust. This could include regular financial support or through sharing our work and activities with your contacts and through your own online platforms. Sangat Trust need’s your support to promote these values to future generations.
To Subscribe monthly to any of our causes please use the form below.
Other ways to donate?
Standing Order Form
If you would like to donate by post or make regular donations via a standing order, please complete our Donation Form. We accept payments by cheque, postal order, credit/debit card and by banker’s order. Details are available on the form.
To obtain a form please click here Sangat Trust Standing Order Form
Paypal Monthly or One off Donations
If you have a paypal account, you can also set up a one off or monthly subscription to Sangat TV. This function will set up a regular donation whereby your paypal account will be automatically invoiced each month, for the payment amount of your choice. This payment will then be automatically deducted from your paypal account, but only if there are sufficient funds to do so.
Click on the “DONATE” menu which will redirect you to our Donations page where you can choose what “cause” you would like to donate to and in what currency.
Bank Donation
Donate with a choice of currencies by your preferred method through your own bank. Every donation, small or large, will help us to serve the Sangat through our projects better.
Account Name: Sangat Trust
Bank Name: HSBC Bank plc
Bank Address: 46 The Broadway, Ealing, London, W5 5JR
UK Donors:
Account No: 7245 1719
Sort Code: 40 02 26
International Donors:
IBAN: GB92 HBUK 4002 2672 4517 19
For Euros only use:
IBAN: GB97 HBUK 4012 7671 0137 20
Account No: 7101 3720
Sort Code: 40 12 76
Cheque Donations
If you find it easier to support us by way of a cheque, then please make it payable to ‘Sangat Trust’. All donors should kindly post cheques to Sangat Trust, 20 Great King Street North Birmingham, B19 2LF.
Cash Donations
Many people often find it easy to make cash donations to Sangat Television, if you also prefer to make a cash donation then please be sure to personally deliver cash to: Sangat Television, 20 Great King Street North, Birmingham, B19 2LF.
Please be sure to hand over cash to only to a sewadar of Sangat Television at the above mentioned address. Sewadars always issue a Sangat Trust receipt to all donors immediately upon receipt of all donations
Sangat TV is always looking for new talent. Why not contribute your time and learn new skills.
We are able to offer places for volunteering where individuals are able to learn new skills including:
• Camera and filming
• Editing shows
• Presenting shows
• Planning and producing documentaries
We are proud of the work that we do and believe in empowering individuals and this can take place once we train our own Sangat to enter the media industry and play an active role in this ever changing industry.
For more information please contact our team at info@sangattelevision.org or call +44 (0)300 0300 113.
Advertising on SKY 763
Are you looking to promote your business and increase your revenue? Reach new customers and new markets, whilst supporting Sangat TV.
If so, we have a range of advertisement packages on Sangat TV to suit you marketing budget.
Why don’t you get in touch with the team at info@sangattelevision.org or call us on +44 (0)300 0300 113.