This video captures some brief glimpses of the recent United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week event held at the Nishkam Centre, Birmingham.
The event was collaboration between Birmingham Citizens, an umbrella organisation for the citizens of Birmingham, Nathan Dennis a local community engagement worker and the Nishkam Centre.
The purpose of the conference was to create a network of citizens who act responsibly in the public life of their communities and are able to influence, for the common good, decisions which impact their communities.
The conference was well attended by many people from all over Birmingham and focussed on how to create positive change in neighbourhoods. It aimed to bring people together to discuss issues affecting their neighbours and explore actions which could be taken to make a real lasting change to our communities.
The conference was chaired by Sajida Madni and included contributions from John Beard (Buddhist),
Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh (Sikh), Nathan Dennis (Christian), Prof Krishna Kumar (Hindu), Atif Iqbal (Muslim) and poems by Iman Iqbal.
Finally, at the close of the event we were able to speak with Tariq Jahan regarding some of the interfaith experiences he has had during the course of his life and how these have him in his personal journey through life.
The longer version of this video which will show more of the presentations made by all of the speakers and will soon be shown on Sangat TV.
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